During active reproductive age, a man's body produces a "helper" hormone called inhibin B. Its role is to stimulate sperm growth. It functions in conjunction with follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Inhibin B production declines over the years and may disappear completely after menopause.

In order to compensate, the level of hormones FSH and LH increases. As a result, the background of men changes. In youth, their blood is dominated by dihydrotestosterone - the most active testosterone in terms of the desire and ability to reproduce. The age-related decline in inhibin B synthesis shifts the focus to reduced testosterone production. And it begins to turn into a more "active" form more slowly, and therefore the potential disappears.
Increased potency in men after 60 years
Libido stimulation measures in men over 60 cannot be predicted in advance. The increase in desire here will depend on the severity of age-related changes in hormonal levels, the state of the cardiovascular system and other "characteristics" of biological age - not "passport age".
But in most cases, the prognosis for increasing male potency is favorable. In any case, if we are talking about patients older than 60 years without "aggravating" diagnosis - prostatitis, adenoma, interventions on genital organs, developmental disorders of children (cryptorchisism, hydrocele), atherosclerosis above the 2nd stage.
In men after the age of 60, the increase in potency first requires an increase in the level of active testosterone (as most doctors say). True, after stopping hormonal drugs, the results achieved with their help also disappear. In addition, an excess of sex hormones in the blood of postmenopausal men is full of heart attack, stroke or cancer of one of the producing endocrine glands (prostate, testicles, adrenal glands).

Testosterone enanthate is the most well-known of the steroidal agents for increasing potency. It is produced in an intramuscular injection solution, used in a dose of 50 mg, once every 14 days. A regimen of 200 mg per month is also possible, but is more commonly used for men under 60. Other inexpensive and affordable solutions include:
- Antispasmodics. The only condition is the need to inject it directly into the tissues of the penis half an hour before intercourse. The idea is that it relaxes the blood vessels supplying the penis and promotes erection;
- Adrenergic blockers. causes relaxation of peripheral vessels. drink 2-2, 5 milligrams three times a day, with food;
- Medicines for depression - including dapoxetine, which is often added as a generic. It is recommended to use a dose of 30 mg once a day, one or three hours before sex. The substance trazodone has the ability to artificially increase the level of free serotonin and prolong excitement with erection (0. 15 grams per day, but in 2 doses, where the main part is taken before bedtime and only 1/3 in the morning).
Don't forget the "genre classics" in the form of Sildenafil or Tadalafil. They can increase potency regardless of the reasons for its decline at any age, but temporarily!!!
Compared to pharmaceutical products, herbal remedies have fewer side effects and are better combined with alcoholic drinks, without which no romantic date is complete. In their list:
- A natural remedy in drops of aphrodisiac and potency stimulants, discovered by healers of different countries. They include the popular fenugreek, African Ginkgo biloba fruit, Peruvian poppy and Chinese ginseng. Maybe with alcohol. The drug is put 7-8 drops under the tongue, in the morning and in the evening, washed down with any drink of your choice. The general course of potency enhancement lasts from two weeks to one month;
- Preparation of tablets based on allotriphalin. It contains extracts of damiana, wheat germ, poria coco, dwarf lily and sarsaparilla. You should drink 1 tablet or 2 capsules a day, after meals, for 30 days. A single dose of a double dose allows you to increase potency after 15-20 minutes;
- A product in capsules for increasing potency with an extremely diverse composition. Among the non-herbal components, it includes deer antlers, propolis and cedar resin. The herbal part of the medicine to enhance the potency is represented by lovage, nettle, orchis, rhododendron (fruit), guarana, tribulus and red root. Men over the age of 60 are recommended to take 1 capsule in the morning and in the evening, 5-7 days in a row. Then it is better to rest for a week and repeat.
Folk remedies
The differences between the use of dietary supplements developed by pharmacists and alternative medicine lie in the precise selection of certain components. In this case, science borrowed a number of conclusions from healers. Only healers, unlike doctors, are more inclined to rely on e. yearadaptogens.

Folk remedies of herbal, animal and mineral origin increase general vitality and immune protection (potency improves as a side effect). Official medicine considers the effects of such drugs too unpredictable, but folk medicine fully trusts them.
- Echinacea purpurea. 50 g of its roots are mixed with 20 g of echinops seeds and 60 g of jarutka. Grind or grind everything together in a blender, pour 1 tbsp. K. L. The obtained base is 250 ml of vodka. Cover the crushed cork and leave it for several weeks in a dark, warm corner, shaking it occasionally. After the infusion, the product is filtered and drunk: 10 drops diluted in water, half an hour before meals, for 25-30 days.
- Parsley, dandelion and nettle also improve potency. To prepare a medicine from them, 50 g of parsley root is washed well and crushed, mixed with 100 g of young nettle and dandelion leaves. This "salad" can be mixed with vegetable oil and vinegar and sprinkled with moderate salt. You should eat 250-300 g per day, in any number of doses, for up to 2 weeks. After that, a short break is advisable.
- Spurge. Its root is cut, 10 g is separated and boiled for a week in 0. 5 liters of vodka. Strain the raw material into a jar and use a teaspoon (pre-dissolved in water) in the morning, lunch and evening to increase appetite. The general course is 14 days.
Other methods and tips
There is always an alternative to taking natural, synthetic, hormonal or any other means to increase potency. Physiotherapy procedures do not lose relevance and effectiveness at the age of 20 or 60 and have no contraindications, except for acute conditions when urgent help is needed. Older men's bodies respond to physical therapy more easily than younger men, and their positive changes are more noticeable.
- Physical training. Being active is useful at any age, but in old age, when the processes in the body slow down, its effects are better felt. The most useful exercises for normalizing erectile function are: squats (if you can't do them regularly, at least from your knees), Kegel technique, jumping rope, rhythmic rotation of the pelvis.
- Massage. Classic (back, testicles, penis) and exotic options (Thai, tuina, etc. ) are suitable. At the age when pelvic swelling develops due to the aging of joints and muscles, you should visit a massage therapist at least once a week. This will improve overall health, increase the desire for sex, and also restore the functioning of the pelvic organ.
- Hirudotherapy. All types, including medicinal, fig saliva contain hirudin, an anticoagulant enzyme that is slightly weaker than heparin. Treatment with them thins the blood, helps to restore erection and prevent cardiovascular complications during sex. Self-medication with puppies is difficult and harmful - it should be done only with the participation of a hirudotherapist.
After the age of 60, the symptoms of prostatitis are typical for all men. They may be more or less noticeable, but they are always there. This disease is dangerous due to complications of the urogenital system. In addition, it reduces libido and worsens hormonal levels.
General recommendations
Of course, almost every older man wants to know how to solve this problem. There are many tips on how to restore potency after 60 and keep it:
- It is advisable to regularly visit a qualified sexologist. The specialist will determine the reasons for the weakening of potency or its risk and will tell you what measures should be taken to eliminate the problem.
- Have sex regularly. Abstinence negatively affects the potency of any man, and especially the elderly. However, do not abuse promiscuous connections, otherwise there is a risk of other problems.
- Add more movement to your life, play sports. You will do any physical activity that you like.
- Do not allow excessive work, do not allow frequent overwork. rest more.
- Limit alcohol and tobacco consumption, or even better, give them up completely.
- Control excess weight.
- Proper nutrition. Reduce intake of sweet, fatty and salty foods. This causes not only potency problems but also many other diseases.
- Follow a sleep schedule. Try to go to bed at the same time and get enough sleep.
Proper nutrition
Regaining potency after 60 years is a very difficult task. In this matter, a man will be helped by proper nutrition and the consumption of a number of healthy foods, such as:
- eggs;
- garlic;
- beans and peas;
- chocolate;
- honey;
- sea Products;
- nut.
Unfortunately, men are not always able to solve the problem of impotence by changing their lifestyle, diet and exercise. In some situations, only the use of special medicines will help, because now they are presented in a huge range. There are various effective potency stimulants. They come in all possible forms:
- tablets;
- capsules;
- ointments;
- creams;
- drops
- gels;
- sprays.
Medications increase sensitivity and improve blood flow to the penis, but unfortunately, most of their effects are temporary. The medicine will not eliminate the cause of impotence, but in some cases it will help to increase it. There are several drugs that differ by type:
- Hormonal. Activate the production of large amounts of male hormones.
- Phosphodiesterase inhibitors. Increases blood flow to the penis.
- alternative. Natural Homeopathic and Herbal Medicines to Enhance Erection.
Creams and gels
This type of medicine has the following advantages:
- They not only treat, but can be used as prevention;
- has a quick effect;
- moisturizes the dermis;
- increase male endurance and, as a result, the duration of intercourse;
- strengthening of erection, expansion of blood vessels;
- slightly increase the size of the penis;
- increased arousal;
- It does not adversely affect the condition and functioning of internal organs.
Here is a list of gels and creams that can be used to improve potency:
- Nitroglycerin ointment. Activates blood flow to the penis.
- Heparin ointment. Increases blood circulation in the pelvis.
- A fast-acting drug that provides an erection for a long time. has a vasodilating effect. Available as cream and ointment.
- A gel that stimulates blood flow in the cavernosum of the penis. Increases the size of the organ, causes a quick erection.
- A spray that increases blood flow to the penis. Contains pheromones.
- A cream with vegetable oils that is used before sexual intercourse. increases its duration.
According to the reviews of most men suffering from impotence, the most effective drugs are in the form of injections. In this case, it is injected directly into the penis.
There are many drugs that improve erection. A man should choose them individually. For this, it is recommended to visit a qualified doctor who will determine the cause of impotence and suggest the best treatment methods. When choosing medicines, it is necessary to take into account the age, the characteristics of the body and the lifestyle that a man leads. Always study the list of contraindications and take the medicine exactly as indicated in the instructions.
Potency begins to decline at the age of 60. The speed of initiation and hardness of erection decreases. However, there are special complexes against impotence for men of any age. They can be used both for prevention and treatment. In most of them, the coccyx-gastric muscle works, the strength of which determines the durability of the erection. This happens because as it grows, the blood circulation in the penis area increases and it is filled with a larger volume of blood. It should be noted such common exercises that are included in almost every morning exercise routine and are familiar to all men since childhood:
- walking on the ground with high knees;
- pelvic rotation;
- standing on the "bridge";
- squats.
There are also a number of special yoga asanas and highly effective Kegel exercises: to perform them during urination, a man needs to strain the PC muscle, which stops the flow. You can do this every time you go to the toilet. This is one of the most famous and widely recommended exercises by doctors of healthy potency.
Folk remedies
Potency can be restored at the age of 60. For this, there are folk recipes for various decorations, tinctures and mixtures:
- ginger root. It is now widely used and available in any grocery store. It can be cut and made into tea. It contains many vitamins and, in addition to potency, has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body, as well as strengthens the immune system.
- Tincture from ginseng root. You should cut 2 cm from the root, fill it with three liters of vodka or diluted alcohol and drink one glass a day. Followers of traditional medicine claim that once impotence is cured with the help of ginseng, it will never return.
- Celery. It can be eaten raw, juiced and mixed with other juices.
- nut. You can mix dried fruit and eat it several times a day, washed down with kefir. In addition to the benefits of male potency, this is an incredibly healthy and delicious mixture in itself.
- Honey with nuts. Any type can be used. Take a tablespoon three times a day for a month. A course of treatment will allow a man to significantly increase potency.
Increasing potency in men over 60 is an urgent problem. Only a person who pays attention to health throughout his life can maintain tone and sexual strength, but such people are very few. It must be said that increasing potency in men after 60 requires a lot of effort, but it is more than possible.
With age, any person begins to gradually lose the basic functions of life. Very often, after 55-60 years, in addition to the appearance of problems and diseases related to the body, sexual life gradually disappears. Women begin with all the accompanying phenomena of menopause, the desire decreases and men experience a delay in erectile function. Many people suffer from disorders that negatively affect sexual activity.
Women usually tolerate the onset of sexual dysfunction much more easily; Many prefer to stop having sex altogether. In men, due to sociocultural stereotypes, a natural weakening in this area can lead to enormous self-doubt, fear and depression. Therefore, upon reaching retirement age, representatives of the strong half of humanity begin an active struggle to maintain and stimulate their potential by various means. Medicines and folk remedies are used, as well as diet and physical activity.
Diagnosis and treatment of age-related potency problems
If a man's potency begins to decline at the age of 60, permanent problems with erection and ejaculation appear and this causes discomfort, you should seek medical help.
Even in cases where an elderly person is quite satisfied with the decrease in sexual function, it is necessary to undergo periodic examinations of the urogenital system. This is necessary due to the high risk of inflammation or prostate adenoma in men of retirement age.
Psychological problems and unhealthy lifestyle, as well as sexually transmitted infections, remain the main factors in the development of erectile dysfunction before the age of 50. In adulthood, cardiovascular diseases, inflammation and prostate adenoma take the first place. The blood supply to the pelvic organs deteriorates, the walls of the veins become much more fragile, and the sensitivity to urethritis increases. Most often, problems with potency can be predicted by problems with urination.
During the examination, the doctor collects the most complete medical history, determines the presence of chronic or previously transferred diseases of the urogenital system and spinal injuries, as well as previous surgical operations. It is important to determine whether the patient has a hormonal imbalance and, if so, what exactly is causing it. It is necessary to ask the patient about his psychological condition and existing stress factors. Most often, medical history and existing symptoms are enough to prompt the necessary tests.
Diagnostic procedures must include:
- digital rectal examination of the prostate to detect pain, inflammation and pathological enlargement;
- general blood and urine tests, penile smear for infectious diseases, sugar and cholesterol levels;
- ultrasound examination of veins and arteries in the pelvis, as well as organs of the urogenital system, to detect vascular pathologies and possible neoplasms;
- Analysis of hormone levels, for example, testosterone, prolactin, specific prostate antigen, etc. Sh.
- If the patient is depressed and anxious, it is recommended to attend at least one consultation with a psychotherapist, and to fight the neuroses affecting potency, it is better to go through several sessions.
Diagnosis in older men most often reveals cardiovascular system problems and prostate diseases. The struggle to maintain sexual function should, first of all, focus on eliminating the underlying physical pathologies that prevent the normal functioning of the erectile mechanism. But you should not think that after the age of 60, as a result of treatment, the potency increases to the level of a man in his youth.
The natural decline of the gonads cannot be reversed, only its rate can be temporarily restrained.
Folk remedies and diet to maintain potency
There are many folk recipes and tips on how to increase potency at the age of 60 and maintain a harmonious, fulfilling sex life. They are most often based on herbal preparations and certain foods that help stimulate sexual function. But before you go to the pharmacy for tincture and decoction, you should definitely consult a doctor and check for allergic reactions. This will help prevent unpleasant health consequences.
The most common herbal preparations and preparations recommended to stimulate potency:
- Alcohol tinctures of ginseng or Eleutherococcus - produces a general strengthening effect, has a positive effect on the nervous system, adaptation to sleep and rest modes, increases immunity and body protection, helps to overcome fatigue and drowsiness;
- Herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect will help fight prostate diseases and urethritis, which are the main causes of potency problems in old age;
- People recommend using burdock root, hemp seeds, St. John's wort, parsley, Dubrovnik, berries, rose hips, etc. as stimulants and aphrodisiacs. Sh. , but their use must be discussed with a doctor so as not to harm yourself;
- Sometimes quite exotic substances are offered in the form of drugs that affect potency, for example, antlers (deer antlers), the flow of musk deer or eating the genitals of large animals. There is no clinical evidence of the effectiveness of such folk remedies, and their supposed magical effects are based on primitive beliefs.
To maintain and stimulate potency, it is recommended to follow a diet, avoid the abuse of fatty and fried foods, carbohydrate foods, and generously dress with mayonnaise. This will help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol to normal levels and, if necessary, reduce weight. Men suffering from diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases should especially follow the diet. It is recommended to drink special vitamin complexes and dietary supplements.
An elderly man should eat properly and calculate his diet based on physical activity. It should be remembered that after 60 years, the general metabolism begins to slow down, the need for consumed substances, large amounts of proteins and carbohydrates decreases. It is recommended to limit or eliminate fatty meat from the diet and replace it with fish such as trout. It is necessary to get enough vitamins, antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Preventive measures to maintain potency
In order to maintain libido and erectile function as long as possible, in addition to diet and avoiding harmful substances, it is necessary to follow a physical activity regime. You should do sports as much as possible, do not overdo the exercises, especially if you are not used to them. A minimum set of exercises can be recommended by a doctor or any professional trainer. To stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic organs, the lower part of the body should be loaded first.
In addition to aerobic exercise, walking or running, you should do strength training at an individual pace under the guidance of an experienced trainer. You can't rush into lifting huge weights if you've never lifted a barbell before. You can start slowly and gradually. With age, muscle mass is increasingly replaced by fat mass; It is necessary to maintain muscle mass in order to promote a fast metabolism and the production of sufficient amounts of testosterone.
It is worth making your sex life more measured, but regular, because a break of more than a few months between sexual acts helps to reduce the activity of the glands. And with age, they already decrease and stop working. But you can not rush into love adventures and try to set records; It is full of rapid overload, crashes and failures in bed. If a man has complexes about age-related loss of libido, he should talk about it confidentially with his partner.